Magnific things

  • Jade colored seas
  • To feel your loved one's lips, at least once in your life.
  • Poetry
  • The sound and smell of rain
  • The movement of tree branches as they play with light

domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

I've always had a sweet tooth myself...

Hace unas semanas vi con un amigo "My blueberry nights" de Wong Kar Wai. Tras haber visto "In the mood for love," y casi enloquecer con el exceso de fideos... estaba muy poco optimista al respecto. Sin embargo, la disfrute mucho, y obtuve el siguiente diálogo en recompensa a tantos fideos...

Jeremy: Hmm. It's like these pies and cakes. At the end of every night, the cheesecake and the apple pie are always completely gone. Now, the peach cobbler and the chocolate mousse cake are nearly finished... but there's always a whole blueberry pie left untouched.
Elizabeth: So what's wrong with the blueberry pie?
Jeremy: There's nothing wrong with the blueberry pie. People.. just make other choices.

Al siguiente dia me vesti de morado, compré una cartera con una foto de una tartaleta de blueberry y puse como nick en messanger "Blueberry pie".... you see, people just make other choices.

5 comentarios:

Lady Stardust dijo...

My dear girl, you know, only very unique people enjoy blueberry pie. I'm sure you'll find a blueberry person soon.

Fernando García dijo...

now I feel like a blueberry/moreno pie

Lady Stardust dijo...

Awww ferdy!!!

Forrester dijo...

ya entiendo el nick

Yossef Cocteau dijo...

Only few and precious things in nature, come in blue color and shades...creo que es evidente que no cualquiera puede apreciar la belleza de las mismas, but those who can...oh how unknowingly lucky they are! Oh, and leave Wong Kar Wai alone or a shapeless giant mass of noodles will engulf you in eternal (and third-worldly) darkness!