Magnific things

  • Jade colored seas
  • To feel your loved one's lips, at least once in your life.
  • Poetry
  • The sound and smell of rain
  • The movement of tree branches as they play with light

sábado, 17 de enero de 2009

The piece of gold that flashes in my soul...

Quiero compartir esto con ustedes. Son dos mini-historias, parte de una serie de 5 (mas bien, serán parte).

1.Love story
He gazed at her through the window.
There was surely nothing she would notice, he had left everything in her preferred state. The unusable papers piled up, the stilettos dangerously menacing any stranger. But he was no stranger to her dreams.
He caressed her soft, most elegant blouses, revered his cheeks in the lace of her lingerie that now she was removing from her body... languidly.
A soft rain violated the warmness of his shoulders and face. The small garden smelt like those lingering memoirs of her hair, which now he faced spilled over the creamy mattress. She was now setting her eyes in his direction. Was she looking at him? She certainly must, but yet her eyes haunted other worlds, and her hands wandered her body in desire for another.

2.Scary story
A bit of a woman and a bit of a man. He, or she, was certainly of strange procendence and queer procedure. The way the hands curled around the stair's handrail was certainly maddening for any rerspectable human mind.
It was coming... for you.
It was cumming... for you

Ha ha ha, la segunda me da mucha risa.
Diganme que opinan.

2 comentarios:

Lady Stardust dijo...

Jajaja, cálmate con la segunda, Ted Hughes!

Lady Stardust dijo...

Era halago!! :P