Magnific things

  • Jade colored seas
  • To feel your loved one's lips, at least once in your life.
  • Poetry
  • The sound and smell of rain
  • The movement of tree branches as they play with light

viernes, 21 de diciembre de 2007

Letter to the lost one

"Is it perfume from a dress
that makes me so digress?"

I had promessed myself that you were nothing.
I must excuse myself, I am a simple girl. I can't stop the tears thinking of our distance brings. You are away and lost.
You were not lost to me for her sake. I lost you the moment I met you. It was there, in your eyes, so many years ago. Their humid darkness told me you would leave me, taint me, teach me what blood was like. I am foolish; so very foolish indeed, that my simple desires made me stubborn.
My wish did not prevail . You drained my existance, now reduced to dry, oniric memories. Hope has become the replay of a blissful, treacherous moment. My life turned into hollow dust.
Now, I am nothing.

2 comentarios:

Lady Stardust dijo...

It breaks my heart. A big hug, Phoenix, and may your wounds be healed soon.

Fernando García dijo...

oniric memories!

Quizá mi comentario empezó muy festivo y no ad hoc para esta carta, pero la cosa es que es muy linda. Nunca había pensado que la mayor parte del tiempo puede vivirse en esas oniric memories. Gracias que ya me puse algo triste :).